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SPFB Time Changes for March
Dock and Office:

March 18th: Dock and Office will close at 2:45p for staff development. 

Applications are only open Monday through Thursday 8:30a-5:00p. 

To get help with food assistance, please choose your option below.

Food assistance Form

To get help with food assistance, please click the button below.

Senior Box program Form

Sign up for our Senior Box, by clicking the button below.


To find our children’s feeding sites please click the button below.

What's In The Box?

At the South Plains Food Bank, our Food Boxes are carefully assembled at our Lubbock facility by dedicated volunteers. Each box is thoughtfully packed to ensure that every recipient receives a balanced selection of essential items, including fresh produce, milk, meat, and other nutritious staples.

In the past, SPFB relied on community canned food drives to collect donations. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, we shifted our focus to monetary donations, allowing us to purchase food pallets directly from distributors. This ensures greater efficiency, consistency, and equitable distribution, so every family receives the nourishment they need.

Need Food? SPFB
Food Assistance Form - SPFB
How Do I Get A Box?

Individuals and families in need of food assistance can apply for a Food Box by submitting an application to the South Plains Food Bank. Once your application has been processed, you will receive a confirmation text with your assigned pickup day and time.

When it’s time for your pickup, simply arrive at the South Plains Food Bank location in Lubbock at your scheduled time. Our dedicated volunteers will bring the food directly to your vehicle, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience.